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Adding Value to your sale

Everyone wants the most from their house sale, but selling and buying a house is a stressful time, both financially and emotionally. It involves your most valuable monetary asset and provides you with a host of memories as your home, so getting it right is key. For those reasons, most of our clients recognise the…

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The “Blue Sky” effect

When it comes to generating the best initial impact in selling your property, either online, in printed media, or even in our High Street window, it is “first impressions” that count. That’s why we will go to extra lengths to make sure that our “impact image” of your property (usually the front of the house)…

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Contact Us

Walker Scott Ireland Ltd.
82 High Street,
Scottish Borders
EH45 8SW
Tel: 01721 721669
Company Number SC500115
Regulated by RICS

Scottish Letting Agent Registration – LARN2007001

Your house is many things to you – “bricks and mortar”; an investment; a roof over your head. But most importantly, it is home. Whatever residential service we provide, we recognise this. It is personal to you and we make sure it is personal to us.

Our understanding of the countryside and all that it provides runs deep. Agricultural properties, be they farmhouse, steading or land are the essential components to a successful enterprise. Our passion for farm property helps release your passion for farm production.

Whether an investment; a place of work; a future development, your property needs to work hard for you. The income it provides or space to trade from is key to you and your future. We make sure that your business is our business.